DA04ElderScrollDA04ElderScrollFurled | DLC1Book3ValuableFurTrader | [pagebreak] | Confessions Of A Khajiit Fur Trader [pagebreak]My execution is tomorrow. The turnkey asks what I'd like for my last meal. Bring me paper, I say. A quill and a candle. Perhaps the Jarl would like a confession. I would rather pass the time. When my father's harem burned down and our family fortune was lost to the ashes, my brother and I set to begging in the gutters of Elsweyr. I will never forget the first time we stole a traveler's purse. It was almost by accident. Just a slip of the claw and the pouch fell into our hands. We ate like kings that night. We slept in a warm bed for the first time in months. Soon after, my brother and I took up the knife. The gang we joined treated us as the dirty orphans we were. We robbed, we scammed, we cut and ran and years of debauchery and hard living took their toll. I lost half my left ear in a knife fight with a blind drunk Argonian. I wanted to give up, but my brother, he dreamed bigger, better. My brother wanted to make it to Cyrodiil and become legit merchants. We had a plan. One final heist of a northbound caravan said to be filled with jewels. Something went wrong. My brother could not stop the horses on time, and I stood helplessly by and watched the wagon plummet over a cliff. But as I picked through the wreckage, my devastation turned to excitement. There were no jewels, but there were plenty of luxurious wolf pelts, horker tusks and mammoth hides, more than enough to buy my way to Cyrodiil. I'd follow in the footsteps of so many of my kind. A traveling merchant, someone with a respectable profession. I had all the furs bundled in my pack when I saw my brother's broken body. His ears were still warm, and I shut his eyes for the last time. This was his dream. And he would want me to go. But what I wanted, well, the caravan guards were coming. I had to go, but I couldn't just leave his body to rot. My brother gave me my first skin. It was to be a memento. But in the darkness of the fence's cabin, the coin hit my hand heavy. Then she looked at my brother's pelt and offered three times the amount of any other fur. Disgust caught in my throat, but did not live very long. I realized the cost of such a forbidden luxury. The value, the demand, the respect. This is what I wanted. It became easier. A dark alley, a gag in one hand and a quick slice across the throat. Gently hold the body as it bleeds. I became faster, my cuts precise and fluid. I peel the skin with one motion and kept the merchandise pristine, in one piece. I became rich. Far richer than anyone in my family had ever been. Yet I was careful. My stronghold was well-hidden, and practically impenetrable. I hired the men that used to employ me. We moved frequently on less traveled roads when we hunted in the wild. We stalked the back alleys we used to sleep in when we hunted in the city. I grew so rich that I no longer needed to dirty my own hands. Patchwork colored furs fetched the best price among the Bosmer. Argonians preferred the pelts completely skinned and tanned. Orcs prized the thick, waterproof leather of the Argonians. Humans most often bought tails and ears. I had to employ an alchemist and a master craftsman for a couple odd requests, but I didn't ask questions when the gold piled up. And now I'm a prisoner. Maybe I became careless. Maybe I let too many secrets slip between the sheets. The raid of my fortress was a massacre. They took me alive, barely. That was their mistake. My enemies should have killed me when they had the chance. I have one lockpick. And the northern wall of my cell is weak from disrepair. My head shall not roll tomorrow. I am not finished with the trade. There will always be buyers. Someday, I will sell my own skin for a king's ransom, as my name is legend. And yours shall rot in the gutters with your bones. -The Fur Trader DLC1Book3ValuableSultryArgonianBardVol01 | [pagebreak] | The Sultry Argonian Bard Volume 1 By: Ellya Erdain [pagebreak]Act VI, Scene II, continued Croon-Tail My lady, I could never perform your request! Ellya Erdain Oh? Is it too fast for you? Croon-Tail I fear that it might damage my instrument. Ellya Erdain Ah. But you seem to handle your instrument so well, my darling. Croon-Tail You flatter me, my lady. Ellya Erdain Yes, well it is such a large and magnificent piece. May I hold it? Croon-Tail Goodness no! The innkeeper would never approve of such a public display. Ellya Erdain Then may I suggest a private performance? Perhaps, away from the noise of the inn where we both may enjoy your tremendous talent. Croon-Tail Surely you don't mean for me to accompany you to your room? Ellya Erdain Indeed I do, my sweet. Indeed I do. END OF ACT VI, SCENE II DLC1BookofLifeandService | The Book of Life and Service [pagebreak]The Ranks of the Blessed Blessed are the Bonemen, for they serve without self in spirit forever. Blessed are the Mistmen, for they blend in the glory of the transcendent spirit. Blessed are the Wrathmen, for they render their rage unto the ages. Blessed are the Masters, for they bridge the past and span the future. The Litany of Service The Boneman's Oath We die. We pray. To live. We serve. The Master's Voice You swore. To Serve. Your Lord. DLC1DarkfallCaveNote01 | Sister, I know that you'll come find me, but it will be too late. If you find this letter, get out of this forsaken cave as soon as possible. We were fools to think we could live so close to such creatures and live peacefully. I should've headed back to camp with you after we placed the torches down here. I thought these trolls would be different, that they would somehow understand that we didn't want to hurt them. I am now cornered and it's only a matter of time before one of the trolls decides to finish me off. I hope it is a quick death. Farewell, my dear sister. | DLC1DarkfallPassageNote01 | I made it farther than I thought, but I'm afraid I can't go on. I choose not to. I am content to die here, in this quiet little room, alone with my thoughts. The creatures won't follow me here. No more danger. The silence is welcoming. | DLC1DarkfallPassageNote02 | Strange why the cursed have set up so many traps near this stone barrier. Going to rest for a bit, not take any chances. They set up those traps for a reason and I'm not about to go rushing in to find out why. Just going to sit here, regain my strength and possibly try and use the traps to my advantage. | DLC1dunRedwaterDenJournal1 | ~ 28th of Sun's Dusk, 4E 200 I've found an interesting book of short stories on the pawnshop's shelves today. I don't think the owner will mind if I take it. I really should spend more time around the docks, these Altmer are too thin blooded for my taste. Anyway, one of the tales in the book is an account of the "Bloodspring of Lengeir's Feast," a fabled source of power for vampires. It is a story I've read several renditions of before but this version suggests that it may be located in Skyrim, in a ruin buried by quaking of the earth during the 2nd Era. Considering that my business here with Inquisitor Amolmaire is, shall we say, at an end, it might be a good time to leave Summerset for a worthwhile diversion for the next twenty to thirty years. Perhaps I shall investigate this fabled Bloodspring. [pagebreak] ~ 2nd of Morning Star, 4E 201 I was able to obtain passage from Alinor to Solitude by way of ship. No mean feat with this Nord insurrection going on, I assure you. I ran across one of my own in the local tavern and feared at first that it might cause problems for me, but it turns out that she is well-positioned here in the city and has been happy to help if I keep a civil manner. We spoke much on my research into the Bloodspring and while she made sure to point out she thinks it a "soft headed pursuit" she did say that what she's heard would point to The Rift. [pagebreak] ~ 5th of First Seed, 4E 201 After months of searching I finally may have found a lead. While looking for a bit of dinner in the Vilemyr Inn, I overheard an old hermit by the name of Jokull, talking about strange red water he found bubbling out of the ground. Once I dispose of this soldier, I'll follow to see if I can find the location. [pagebreak] ~ 13th of First Seed, 4E 201 I can't believe I didn't realize sooner. Jokull has been taking buckets of rock and dirt out of his house all week. When I realized that he's digging a basement I snuck in to check if he had uncovered the Bloodspring. He's hit a cave system that must be where Bloodspring has sunken into over the years. It was hard to see in the dim light, even with my eyes, but I would swear the water I saw pooled on the ground was red. [pagebreak] Unfortunately he woke up while I was exploring the basement and he dropped his torch on a pelt as I killed him. More setbacks. [pagebreak] ~ 4th of Rain's Hand, 4E 201 The runnels I initially found had passed through too much rock and dirt but I've "befriended" some of the locals and we've managed to find the source of the Bloodspring. We've kept a low profile so as not to draw too much attention and thus far I've managed to keep them to only attacking hunters and other dregs, but we'll need to set up a ready food source that won't draw too much attention if we are to remain here. The Bloodspring is not everything that I'd hoped it would be. Though it is blood and gives great strength it provides no sustenance. And the power it grants lasts only for a short while and carries a weakening of the body and mind with it. I've had to lock the door to the chamber to keep the others from becoming completely dependent upon it. When I've tested it on mortals, it is worse for them, for it carries only disease and addiction with no benefits at all. Addiction. I may have just found a solution for our food problem. | DLC1dunRedwaterDenJournal2 | ~ 19th of Second Seed, 4E 201 Thanks to the more sordid past of some of my underlings, we found a way to add the waters of the Bloodspring into the process for turning moonsugar to skooma. It is far more potent and highly addictive. We've turned the basement into a Den and sent out some of the locals with "samples" to lure people back, turning the disappointment of the spring into a ready supply of blood. We're calling it Redwater Skooma, in case any of the patrons happen to notice "water" in any of the corners. I've found many ruined books in the chambers connected to the spring and will continue to study them for a way to drink the waters without the side effects. Mortals appear to become infected with all manner of disease, while Vampires gain power but only for a short while. [pagebreak] ~ 9th of Mid Year, 4E 201 Many of the books I've found are but tattered shreds, ruined by the ages and moisture, but I've pieced together the origin of the Spring, if little else. It used to be a spring sacred to Arkay in the 1st Era, headed by the priest, Lengeir. I'm glossing over much that isn't of interest to my search, but it would seem that the woman he was in love with was bitten and turned into a vampire and subsequently turned him as well. They went on a rampage through the Spring and killed the other priests as they cowered in the pool, praying for Arkay's protection. "...and as we tore the spine... ...last priestess... ...took the viscera into the Bloodstone Chalice... ...waters ran red forever more..." Perhaps this "Bloodstone Chalice" is the answer. [pagebreak] ~ 18th of Sun's Height, 4E 201 Weeks of research and still nothing to show for it. It would seem that the Bloodstone Chalice is most likely the key to harnessing the power of the Spring, but it is also clear that at some point it was removed from the ruins. I've found an illustration of it which I have endeavored to sketch here, but nothing else regarding where it may have ended up. [pagebreak] | ![]() DLC1ElderScrollBlood | DLC1ElderScrollDragon | DLC1ElderScrollSun | DLC1FVBook01English | [pagebreak] | The Betrayed by Engwe Emeloth Translated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth [pagebreak] DLC1FVBook01Falmer | [pagebreak] | THE BETRAYED ENGWE EMELOTH [pagebreak]AND WHEN THE SNOW PRINCE FELL TO GROUND THE ICE ELVES DIVIDED ABOVE AND BELOW NOW VANQUISHED AND BRUTALLY BOUND ONE MOMENT HAD SHATTERED ALL THEY DID KNOW [pagebreak] THE ONCE COOL WIND ON THEIR SKIN NOW REPLACED WITH THE HEAT OF THE FLAME AND A PRIDE ONCE FELT DEEP WITHIN FORGOTTEN ALONG WITH THEIR NAME [pagebreak] TORN FROM THEIR HOME OF ICE AND FROST THROWN INTO THE PITCH BLACK DREAD OF NIGHT LIVING IN FEAR AS THEIR MINDS BECOME LOST AS THEIR EYES BEGIN DIMMING THE LIGHT [pagebreak] CHAINED AND ENSLAVED WHAT ONCE WAS LIGHT TURNED TO BLACKNESS ALONE AND BETRAYED SINKING DEEPER INTO MADNESSDLC1FVBook02English | [pagebreak] | Journal of Mirtil Angoth Translated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth [pagebreak]4th of Evening Star I used to dream of fighting in battles like my Father. He had begun teaching me to fight the moment I was able to pick up a blade. Mother had argued that I was too young, but he paid her no mind. I can still remember the elation I felt the first time I bested Father in a match and the look of pride on his face. If it were up to him I know he would have allowed me to join him in battle. With me at his side he may have fared better. Now with Father and so many others slain, the Old Ones claim we are left with too few warriors to continue the fight. I was not the only Young One to speak out in protest, but our small voices went unheard. It has been decided that we must flee to seek help and protection. [pagebreak] 8th of Evening Star News has reached us that the great Snow Prince has fallen in battle. The urgency to go into hiding has left many of us scattered and those of us still together unsure of which direction to turn. In the long hours of night we keep huddled together always fearing the worst until the first light of the blessed sun. May Auri-El guide our footsteps. [pagebreak] 13th of Evening Star In the night I overheard the Old Ones whispering secrets of the underground and the Dwemer who dwell there. I thought back on stories Father once told me of these dwarves, heroic tales of honor and glory. The Old Ones must know of these stories for it has been decided that we will change course upon first light. I feel hopeful that the Dwemer will help us to avenge our fallen and reclaim our land. DLC1FVBook02Falmer | [pagebreak] | MIRTIL ANGOTH JOURNAL [pagebreak]FOURTH EVENING STAR I USED TO DREAM OF FIGHTING IN BATTLES LIKE MY FATHER HE HAD BEGUN TEACHING ME TO FIGHT THE MOMENT I WAS ABLE TO PICK UP A BLADE MOTHER HAD ARGUED THAT I WAS TOO YOUNG BUT HE PAID HER NO MIND I CAN STILL REMEMBER THE ELATION I FELT THE FIRST TIME I BESTED FATHER IN A MATCH AND THE LOOK OF PRIDE ON HIS FACE IF IT WERE UP TO HIM I KNOW HE WOULD HAVE ALLOWED ME TO JOIN HIM IN BATTLE WITH ME AT HIS SIDE HE MAY HAVE FARED BETTER NOW WITH FATHER AND SO MANY OTHERS SLAIN THE OLD ONES CLAIM WE ARE LEFT WITH TOO FEW WARRIORS TO CONTINUE THE FIGHT I WAS NOT THE ONLY YOUNG ONE TO SPEAK OUT IN PROTEST BUT OUR SMALL VOICES WENT UNHEARD IT HAS BEEN DECIDED THAT WE MUST FLEE TO SEEK HELP AND PROTECTION EIGHTH EVENING STAR NEWS HAS REACHED US THAT THE GREAT SNOW PRINCE HAS FALLEN IN BATTLE THE URGENCY TO GO INTO HIDING HAS LEFT MANY OF US SCATTERED AND THOSE OF US STILL TOGETHER UNSURE OF WHICH DIRECTION TO TURN IN THE LONG HOURS OF NIGHT WE KEEP HUDDLED TOGETHER ALWAYS FEARING THE WORST UNTIL THE FIRST LIGHT OF THE BLESSED SUN MAY AURI EL GUIDE OUR FOOTSTEPS THIRTEENTH EVENING STAR IN THE NIGHT I OVERHEARD THE OLD ONES WHISPERING SECRETS OF THE UNDERGROUND AND THE DWEMER WHO DWELL THERE I THOUGHT BACK ON STORIES FATHER ONCE TOLD ME OF THESE DWARVES HEROIC TALES OF HONOR AND GLORY THE OLD ONES MUST KNOW OF THESE STORIES FOR IT HAS BEEN DECIDED THAT WE WILL CHANGE COURSE UPON FIRST LIGHT I FEEL HOPEFUL THAT THE DWEMER WILL HELP US TO AVENGE OUR FALLEN AND RECLAIM OUR LAND DLC1FVBook03English | [pagebreak] | Diary of Faire Agarwen Translated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth [pagebreak] Forward The dates noted in this diary are translated literally. This verbiage matches no known modern measure of time, and is assumed to be a custom form of counting the days and months. Excavations of ancient Falmer slave quarters have turned up brass vessels, very similar to a deep bowl, with twenty markings crudely etched onto the inside. Falmer scholars theorize that this bowl would be placed under a drip of water coming from an overhanging rock and as the bowl filled, the water's level would reach these markings, thus indicating a crude passage of time. Because of this diary, the vessel has been called a "kulniir," a primitive Falmer timekeeping device. [pagebreak] Third Marking, Tenth Kulniir It feels like years since we were forced into hiding. I dare not write where we stay for fear of endangering the good people of this house should this diary be discovered. We have been shown a kindness by this family once known to the Snow Prince. Even in death his great influence has ensured our safety. We were separated from many of our kin along the road when it became increasingly difficult to travel discreetly in our numbers. We were forced to go our separate ways and travel only at night. I have heard no news of where the others may have gone and fear I never shall. Our lives are forever changed. [pagebreak] Seventh Marking, Tenth Kulniir In the night I find it difficult not to focus on times past. There are moments in my rest when I still hear the laughter of Young Ones at play in the valley. Other times I see the pale flicker of happy moments which were once so common in the land of the Snow Elves. I try not to dwell on these memories too long. Often our surroundings make it impossible to dwell on any happiness. We have been locked together in such close quarters for so long we grow tired of each other's company. Even the strongest of us have faltered with nothing to do but think on what is lost. I wake each day to forlorn faces and am reminded of where we are and all we have left behind. We are all yearning for a day when we can emerge from hiding and walk freely in the light once more. But I fear we are losing all hope that such a day will ever come. [pagebreak] Tenth Marking, Tenth Kulniir I tire of the tears of women and children. My own have run dry. The men have begun to look upon us as if we are all weak yet we have survived the same trials as they. I cannot bring myself to think on the numbers we lost in battle. Yet I cannot force the images of my own losses from my mind. And now in a time when our people should be banding together it feels we are drifting apart. The Nords have truly won. Our once great pride and unity are shattered. If we lose hope now we will never survive. Today many, myself included, have tried to speak out in voices of reason. There can be no hope without talk of our future. We can make no difference if our spirits remain broken. [pagebreak] Eighteenth Marking, Tenth Kulniir We know that we can never again be the Snow Elves and live freely in this world. We will forever be in hiding in one form or another. But there is no reason we cannot live life with the sun and the wind against our skin. There are those here who are friends to us and plan to help us once the threat has ended. We know now to survive we must be born anew. Outside, we will appear as though we belong here. Inside, we will carry our truth and our scars. DLC1FVBook03Falmer | [pagebreak] | FAIRE AGARWEN LIFE RECORD [pagebreak]THIRD MARKING TENTH KULNIIR IT FEELS LIKE YEARS SINCE WE WERE FORCED INTO HIDING I DARE NOT WRITE WHERE WE STAY FOR FEAR OF ENDANGERING THE GOOD PEOPLE OF THIS HOUSE SHOULD THIS DIARY BE DISCOVERED WE HAVE BEEN SHOWN A KINDNESS BY THIS FAMILY ONCE KNOWN TO THE SNOW PRINCE EVEN IN DEATH HIS GREAT INFLUENCE HAS ENSURED OUR SAFETY WE WERE SEPARATED FROM MANY OF OUR KIN ALONG THE ROAD WHEN IT BECAME INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT TO TRAVEL DISCREETLY IN OUR NUMBERS WE WERE FORCED TO GO OUR SEPARATE WAYS AND TRAVEL ONLY AT NIGHT I HAVE HEARD NO NEWS OF WHERE THE OTHERS MAY HAVE GONE AND FEAR I NEVER SHALL OUR LIVES ARE FOREVER CHANGED SEVENTH MARKING TENTH KULNIIR IN THE NIGHT I FIND IT DIFFICULT NOT TO FOCUS ON TIMES PAST THERE ARE MOMENTS IN MY REST WHEN I STILL HEAR THE LAUGHTER OF YOUNG ONES AT PLAY IN THE VALLEY OTHER TIMES I SEE THE PALE FLICKER OF HAPPY MOMENTS WHICH WERE ONCE SO COMMON IN THE LAND OF THE SNOW ELVES I TRY NOT TO DWELL ON THESE MEMORIES TOO LONG OFTEN OUR SURROUNDINGS MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO DWELL ON ANY HAPPINESS WE HAVE BEEN LOCKED TOGETHER IN SUCH CLOSE QUARTERS FOR SO LONG WE GROW TIRED OF EACH OTHERS COMPANY EVEN THE STRONGEST OF US HAVE FALTERED WITH NOTHING TO DO BUT THINK ON WHAT IS LOST I WAKE EACH DAY TO FORLORN FACES AND AM REMINDED OF WHERE WE ARE AND ALL WE HAVE LEFT BEHIND WE ARE ALL YEARNING FOR A DAY WHEN WE CAN EMERGE FROM HIDING AND WALK FREELY IN THE LIGHT ONCE MORE BUT I FEAR WE ARE LOSING ALL HOPE THAT SUCH A DAY WILL EVER COME TENTH MARKING TENTH KULNIIR I TIRE OF THE TEARS OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN MY OWN HAVE RUN DRY THE MEN HAVE BEGUN TO LOOK UPON US AS IF WE ARE ALL WEAK YET WE HAVE SURVIVED THE SAME TRIALS AS THEY I CANNOT BRING MYSELF TO THINK ON THE NUMBERS WE LOST IN BATTLE YET I CANNOT FORCE THE IMAGES OF MY OWN LOSSES FROM MY MIND AND NOW IN A TIME WHEN OUR PEOPLE SHOULD BE BANDING TOGETHER IT FEELS WE ARE DRIFTING APART THE NORDS HAVE TRULY WON OUR ONCE GREAT PRIDE AND UNITY ARE SHATTERED IF WE LOSE HOPE NOW WE WILL NEVER SURVIVE TODAY MANY MYSELF INCLUDED HAVE TRIED TO SPEAK OUT IN VOICES OF REASON THERE CAN BE NO HOPE WITHOUT TALK OF OUR FUTURE WE CAN MAKE NO DIFFERENCE IF OUR SPIRITS REMAIN BROKEN EIGHTEENTH MARKING TENTH KULNIIR WE KNOW THAT WE CAN NEVER AGAIN BE THE SNOW ELVES AND LIVE FREELY IN THIS WORLD WE WILL FOREVER BE IN HIDING IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER BUT THERE IS NO REASON WE CANNOT LIVE LIFE WITH THE SUN AND THE WIND AGAINST OUR SKIN THERE ARE THOSE HERE WHO ARE FRIENDS TO US AND PLAN TO HELP US ONCE THE THREAT HAS ENDED WE KNOW NOW TO SURVIVE WE MUST BE BORN ANEW OUTSIDE WE WILL APPEAR WE BELONG HERE INSIDE WE WILL CARRY OUR TRUTH AND OUR SCARS DLC1FVBook04English | [pagebreak] | Touching the Sky by Parmion Saldor Translated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth [pagebreak] DLC1FVBook04Falmer | [pagebreak] | TOUCHING THE SKY PARMION SALDOR [pagebreak]MANY OF THE MOST DEDICATED SNOW ELVES ONCE COMMITTED THEMSELVES TO A TIRELESS JOURNEY THROUGH THE CHANTRY TO THE TEMPLE THEY CARRIED WITH THEM THE PARAMOUNT DESIRE TO BECOME ONE WITH THEIR GOD AURIEL THOUGH ALL SET OUT WITH THE DETERMINATION TO PROVE THEIR WORTH, FEW WERE PREPARED FOR THE TRIALS THAT LAY AHEAD FOR THE PATH TO AURIEL WAS NOT WITHOUT ITS TRIBULATIONS THE PILGRIMS STRUGGLED NOT ONLY AGAINST THE NATURAL ELEMENTS OF THE TREACHEROUS VALE BUT WITH A MYRIAD OF TESTS UPON THEIR FAITH AND LOYALTY IT IS TOLD THAT MANY SIMPLY COULD NOT CONTINUE ON THE PATH FOR LONG BEFORE TURNING BACK SOME ARGUE THAT THE REBUKE THEY ENDURED UPON THEIR RETURN WAS CRUELER THAN ANY PUNISHMENT THAT MAY HAVE LAY AHEAD OF THEM ALONG THE PATH. IN THEIR FAILED ATTEMPT THEY WERE FORCED TO LIVE IN THE SHADOW OF THOSE WHO DID CONTINUE ON TO ACHIEVE THE GREAT GLORY AND HONOR OF ASCENSION INTO THE LIGHT FOREVER AFTER THEIR FAITH AND LOYALTY IN AURIEL WOULD BE SCRUTINIZED AND THEIR REMAINING DAYS FILLED WITH SHAME AND REGRET TALES OF THOSE WHO REACHED THE INNER SANCTUM ARE NOT WITHOUT THEIR SHARE OF WOES. IT IS SAID UPON THEIR ARRIVAL THAT MANY WERE MERE SHELLS OF THE PERSON THEY HAD ONCE BEEN SOME WERE QUITE MAD FROM SLEEPLESSNESS AND STARVED TO THE POINT OF FRAILTY BY THE END OF THEIR JOURNEY THE MARVEL THAT THEY HAD STRENGTH YET TO CARRY THEIR VESSEL AND ASCEND THE STAIRS OF THE TEMPLE WAS THE LAST TRUE TESTAMENT OF THEIR LOYALTY REGARDLESS OF EACH INDIVIDUALS TALE THE FINAL WORDS REMAIN EERILY SIMILAR IT IS SAID THAT EVERY PILGRIM ASCENDED BATHED IN LIGHT A LOOK OF RELIEF AND CONTENTMENT ON THEIR FACE DLC1LD_AetheriumWars | [pagebreak] | The Aetherium Wars by Taron Dreth Dedicated to Katria, my Friend and Colleague [pagebreak]
DLC1LD_ArkngthamzPuzzleScrap | 3 DLC1LD_KatriaJournal | 17th of Sun's Height Damn that scheming elf! Damn him! He steals my notes, my discovery, and publishes it under his name! Twenty years of my life spent digging through those ruins, and what do I get? A dedication? 'Friend and Colleague' my arse. He's just mocking me! Well, I'll have the last laugh. Taron may have my theory, but he doesn't have any proof, not yet. If I can find the Forge first, I can show the world this is my discovery. Mine, not his! [pagebreak] 4th of Last Seed I've got a lead. One of the moldy old books in Mzund mentioned the Forge. Ruined through and through, but I was able to copy down a few scraps, including a map of the first-era Dwemer kingdoms. Need to cross-reference it with modern borders when I get back. [pagebreak] | ![]() DLC1RecipeFrenzy1 | Frenzy poison: ~Blisterwort ~Falmer Ear | DLC1RH04Letter | Dear | DLC1RH05BanditLetter | Hands off the dwarven haul until we know who wants this stuff. Word's gone out to find a buyer. Until then, anyone caught snooping around in here will get his hands cut off. | DLC1RH07Letter | Sojourn awhile in | DLC1RuunvaldJournal01 | Day 14 | I knew I should have volunteered for the excavation earlier. For months, Moric had been going on to the Vigilants about detecting mystical energies deep in the east mountains. Said he'd found some old tomes about the ruins of "Ruunvald," or something the like, a Nordic chamber thousands of years old. I remember thinking "Yeah, if it's so old, how come no one's found it yet? There's plenty of adventurers wandering around these parts." Seemed like most of the other Vigilants agreed, we had more important things to do. But Moric took a team and went digging, and when he started turning up a long buried temple, well, didn't I feel like a troll in a dung heap. Soon enough, he was sending back letters to the Hall, begging for as many men as we could send. I didn't volunteer at first, still seemed like a myth to me. But when word came back that they'd hit the main chamber, I packed up and headed this way to help. Always did want to be a part of history, and better late than never, they say. Well, "they" didn't mention that the late comers would be stuck with guard duty. I just sit up here all day, watching for bandits and wolves, neither of which I've seen. Mostly I just see diggers coming up for supplies. Gotta say, I been seeing them a lot less regular, now that I think about it... Day 19 All right, it's been 3 days since anyone's come up. The last one to emerge was Apa, and he just walked around a bit with a weird vacant look in his eyes. Told Florentius and me to come down as soon as we had the chance, then trudged back in. Something ain't right, and I aims to find out what... - Volk DLC1RuunvaldJournal02 | [pagebreak] | Discovering Ruunvald Vol. I by Moric Sidrey [pagebreak] I have decided to document our expedition to find Ruunvald in my journals, with hopes that, should we fail, it will bring illumination to those who follow us. I myself have stood on the shoulders of academic giants to get where we are today, spending endless hours in libraries and private collections. I am certain that there is some artifact of great power to be found in those ruins, one that the Vigilants could find useful in their mission. I do not mean to sound pompous, but I feel as if I am on the precipice of my destiny with this quest. I am certain we are digging in the right place. I can feel it in my bones, and I dream of finding Ruunvald at night. Even in my waking hours, I can almost hear a reassuring voice telling me we are going the right way. The expedition has had a great deal of luck so far. After only a few weeks, the first tunnel broke through into a large shaft, leading downward towards where I suspect to find Ruunvald. With just a few bits of carpentry, we've established our first base camp within the mountains. If we continue to be this fortuitous, we shall reach our goal in record time! Discovering Ruunvald Vol. II by Moric Sidrey Our luck continues! Not only do we continue to tunnel into caves and shafts that speed our descent, but struck multiple veins of precious ore. Now that the excavation has proven to be a financial success, the Vigilants have sent more supplies, materials, and workers to further the cause. I find myself unable to contain my glee at times, and have become prone to cheerful outbursts in front of the men. One might find this very out of character for me, but the men seem to share my enthusiasm. Never before have I worked with a group so single-minded in their pursuit. To have so many people working towards the same goal with little to no deviation from the task at hand is an uncanny blessing! Stendarr be praised! With so much going well, I hesitate to document what seem like minor troubles in comparison. It must have something to do with the cramped spaces, but I have found myself prone to aches in my head. While these hardly deter me from my leadership role, I have found myself distracted at times. I have had many a conversation with the workers where I drift off, only to have them call me back to reality. Sometimes I lose small amounts of time and can't remember what I've done. I am hoping this is nothing more than excitement of reaching our goal, but I will try to keep note as we dig deeper. Perhaps a half tankard of ale before sleep will help me with these headaches. Discovering Ruunvald Vol. III by Moric Sidrey The damnable headaches! Minorne be merciful, I just can't seem to shake them. The workers have started to report them as well, but while their focus on conversation and civility may wane because of it, they have not swayed from their task. If anything, they seem to have doubled their efforts. I myself cannot seem to focus on anything other than the dig. I sit here now, studying some unearthed Nordic artifacts, yet I feel a nagging call to see how the dig is progressing. The other day without thinking, I picked up a shovel and started digging myself. Fortunately, no one seemed to find this unusual, which is a blessing. I'd hate for the Vigilants of Minorne to think that I'd lost my senses! As we dig, we uncover more Nordic ruins and architecture, but have yet to hit the main chamber. Everyday I dream we'll finally reach Ruunvald, and I can't help but reflect on what this will mean to my reputation! My family will be so proud, especially my father, Minorne. He and mother have always been interested in my studies, even if my sister Minorne was not. But I'm most excited to reveal my findings to my colleagues, Minorne and Minorne, and perhaps my mentor Minorne. Oh, won't they all be pleased? Discovering Ruunvald Vol. IV by Moric Sidrey I have found my muse and her name is Minorne. Reading back over old journals, I realize she has called to me from deep inside Ruunvald. She is the voice I've been hearing, the one who has called me ever downwards into the mountain. The Vigilants, the workers, they hear her too! What joy to learn that I am not alone in her love! Oh, Minorne, how would we have ever found this place without you! As I write this we are digging out the last bit of rock to get to you. Those without tools have started using their hands! I cannot write anymore, I must get back to work. Ruunvald awaits! The Scripture of Minorne by Moric Sidrey Glory be to Minorne! Glory be to the mistress of all! My life for you, oh beautiful savior! Where once my feeble ramblings seemed so grand, I now realize they are but scratches on parchment, unworthy of you. Oh, that I could properly describe you, I would write a thousand testaments to you! Damn my tiny thoughts, if only I were wiser! Minorne asks that we bring more here for her, more to worship her and do her bidding! I have sent word to the Hall of the Vigilants to come. A simple lie was told, for they would not understand. Not until they saw her, o glorious Minorne! But she is fearful! There are fools in this world that do not heed to her beautiful voice. The guard, Florentius, sent from the Beacon, he still prays to Arkay, an absentee god who pales in comparison to Minorne! I will pray to the goddess I can see! May he rot in his cage! Oh, sweet, sweet, Minorne... |