Conan Exiles Exhausting Item Database
Battle Axe of Nergal 50562 Weapon OneHanded AxeDamage Health 46
Weapon Shieldsmash Exhausting
A battle-axe crafted of a dull, grey metal that radiates with intense coldness. Great Sword of Nergal 50558 Weapon TwoHanded SwordDamage Health 54 Armor Pen 0.180000
Weapon Cripple Exhausting
A two-handed sword crafted from a dull, grey metal that radiates with intense coldness. Spear of Nergal 50559 Weapon TwoHanded Spear2HDamage Health 43 Armor Pen 0.072000
Weapon Reach Exhausting
A spear crafted of a dull, grey metal that radiates with intense coldness. Sword of Nergal 50560 Weapon OneHanded SwordDamage Health 43 Armor Pen 0.072000
Weapon Cripple Exhausting
A sword crafted of a dull, grey metal that radiates with intense coldness. | | Total Listed: 4 | | | | | |
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